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Live Stream Online Math Tutoring for 10/29/2021

Live Stream Online Math Tutoring for 10/29/2021

raise r to the 8th power then find the product of the result and 3

product of r plus 7 and 4

a baseball park charges $4.50 per admission ticket. the park has already sold 42 tickets. how many more tickets would they need to sell to earn at least $441?

Van needs to enter a formula into a spreadsheet to show the outputs of an arithmetic sequence that starts with 13 and continues to add seven to each output. For now, van needs to know what the 15th output will be. Complete the steps needed to determine the 15th term in sequence.

A tortoise is walking in the desert. It walks at a speed of 5 meters per minute for 12.5 meters. For how many minutes does it walk?

Julia spends $1.75 on gas for her lawn mower. She earns $16.00 mowing her neighbor's yard. What is Julia's profit?

17 decreased by three times d equals c

A $650 television costs $702 after sales tax is figured in. What is the sales tax percentage?

A 98-inch piece of wire must be cut into two pieces. One piece must be 10 inches shorter than the other. How long should the pieces be?

A zoo has 15 Emperor penguins. The Emperor penguins make up 30,% percent of all the penguins at the zoo. How many penguins live at the zoo?

Dunder Mifflin will print business cards for $0.10 each plus setup charge of $15. Werham Hogg offers business cards for $0.15 each with a setup charge of $10. What numbers of business cards cost the same from either company

the square of the sum of x and y is less than 20